Indonesia is a parliamentary republic with the dominant position of executive organs in the system of government ...
Author: admin
Basic information
The Republic of Indonesia is an island state located in Southeast Asia with the capital in Jakarta. Indonesia borders ...
Generally about the economy
The economic situation is determined by profits from rich oil and gas fields. Oil-bearing areas occur mainly in ...
Macroeconomic data
The increase in GDP by 5.6% in 2005, compared to 5.1% in 2004, was mainly influenced, similarly to the year ...
Industry sectors
Indonesia (a member of OPEC) plays an important role in the functioning of the global energy system. Is one of ...
Ownership system
Indonesia is a member of the International Copyright Organization (WIPO) and a party to the Paris Convention for ...
Indonesia. President Joko Widodo wants to move the capital
The capital of Indonesia will be moved from Jakarta, Java, to the island of Borneo, to the province of Eastern Borneo - the president of Indonesia Joko officially informed ...
Indonesia with a significant acceleration of investment
The implementation of domestic and foreign direct investment accelerated in the third quarter of 2019, which "reflects investors' confidence in the Indonesian economy ...
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